Introducing my fwiend Smudgely Grace, otherwise |

known as Smudgie. This gorgeous gal lives in Atlanta GA. |
It's Charlie Brown! (We call him CB.) He lives |

in Idaho. He lived in Washerton for a while wif Bob the DOg, where he probably learned to sit up! |
I'd like y'all to meet pwetty Rosie, who has lots |

of freckles! BeaverCreek, OH is where Rosie lives wif her fambly. |
Meet Daisy, with the beautimous long hair! She's |

a Nawth Carolina girl and has the sweetst suthern accent! Welcome, Daisy! |
Jolie lives in Idaho wif CB and says there will |

be more fambly for the Club membership soon. Welcome, Jolie! |
Here's Droopy! He is my very handsome new friend |

all the way from Jonestown PA. Welcome Droopy!! Hope you like it here! |
This cutie is Tigger! He won Basset of the Week |

recently. Please, Tigger's Mom & Dad, will you write in and tell us your name & where ya live? |