Meet my handsome fwiend, Lucien. He already has |
fwiends here: Maggie, BOb and George, He surprised his mom sittin' up at the BoardWaddle 2007! |
My fwiend, Abby aka Abbymonster, is sis to both |
Miz Belle and Maggie. They all live in Charleston SC. |
And my pwetty new fwiend Maggie also lives in |
SC with sisters Abbymonster and Miz Belle! Quite the Sittin'Up fambly! |
Lance is my handsome new fwiend fwom |
Kalamazoo, MI--and he's available, girls! |
An unnamed handsome stranger! |
Anyone know who this gorgeous sitterupper is? |
Here is my fwiend, Miz. Belle, who is sis to both |
Abbymonster and Maggie of SC! Isn't she pwetty? |
Thumpy, this very handsome pitbasset, taught his |
sis, Bea to sit up! They live in Kingsville, MO |
Pretty Bea credits her brother Thumpy for teaching |
her to sit up so pretty. They're from the big MO! |
My fwiend Mowgli shows her sister Baloo how to |
sit up pwetty. They are MORE fwiends from Missouri! |